By Max Blogger Senin, 10 Oktober 2016 Backup Code Snippets Command Prompt Database How To MySql Visual Studio Windows VB.NET Example Code to backup MySQL Database using mysqldump command in VB using Visual Studio 2015 In this post, we will see how to create a simple VB.NET application to backup MySQL database using the same mysqldump command by firing comm...
By Max Blogger 04.23 Backup Command Prompt Commands Database How To MySql Windows Batch File Example Code To Backup MySQL Database To A Particular Folder, Append Date and Time, Delete Backups Older Than X Days In this post we will see how to make a batch file to take backup of MySQL database (single database) to a particular folder on the same comp...
By Max Blogger Selasa, 13 September 2016 Command Prompt Computer Tips File Manager Useful Tips How to print file names of all or select list of files in a folder to a list? Suppose we have a lot of files in a folder and we want to get the names of the files in the folder, then we can easily get the names by usin...