By Max Blogger Minggu, 21 Agustus 2016 Drupal Tips Email Issues Troubleshooting Website Development WordPress Drupal unable to send emails using the contact forms [a host issue] Like many of us, I am also facing an issue with sending emails from Drupal website hosted on Linux Host. From my tests I found that - 1) I c...
By Max Blogger Minggu, 03 April 2016 Apache Web Server How To HTTP Issues SSL Troubleshooting XAMPP XAMPP Apache Service fails to start due to blocked port: Error: Apache Shutdown Unexpectedly -may be due to blocked port, missing dependencies, improper privileges, or shutdown by another method Today, the Apache service installed with XAMPP shutdown on me. The following error was displayed on the XAMPP Control Panel - "Error: A...
By Max Blogger Senin, 14 Maret 2016 Computer Tips How To Solutions Troubleshooting Windows 10 Windows Issues Fix: How to solve Windows Explorer frequent crashes in Windows 10 (Alt+Tab)? After upgrading to Windows 10, I observed that the Windows Explorer keeps crashing. The issue arises when we are doing some activities on th...
By Max Blogger Kamis, 18 Februari 2016 How To Issues Troubleshooting Visual Studio Windows Windows 8 [Workaround] Unable to install Visual Studio in Windows 8.1: Access Denied This post is a troubleshooting done on the issue of Visual Studio installation on Windows (Windows 8.1 in this case). Error Encountered: 0x...
By Max Blogger Rabu, 17 Februari 2016 Microsoft Troubleshooting Uninstall Visual Studio Windows 8 Windows Issues [Solved]: Unable to uninstall Visual Studio Express 2012 from Windows computer Issue: Unable to uninstall Visual Studio Express 2012 from Windows computer Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 installation did not get in...
By Max Blogger Minggu, 13 Desember 2015 Android Issues Mobile Phones Samsung Galaxy Troubleshooting WiFi [Resolved] Samsung Galaxy J2 (Android) not connecting to Wi-Fi Here is a Wi-Fi issue I recently encountered on Samsung Galaxy J2 smartphone. Issue: The Samsung Galaxy J2 detected the Wi-Fi hotspot on tur...
By Max Blogger Selasa, 20 Oktober 2015 Apple Computer Tips Issues Mac Troubleshooting Mac : Caps Lock always on (keyboard stuck on caps lock) Sometimes your MacBook may decide to stay on CAPSLOCK and it can be really annoying. In such a scenario, you'd realize that you can'...